KWC PROFESSIONAL CAMB20VP Vertical Baby Changing Station
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Regular price € 774.00
€ 611.46
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Product information KWC PROFESSIONAL CAMB20VP Vertical Baby Changing Station
KWC PROFESSIONAL CAMBRINO vertical baby changing table for wall mounting, made of polypropylene with antibacterial BiocoteĀ® protection, white colour, hinged, with integrated shock absorber for safe opening and closing, nylon safety belt and hooks on both sides, lockable dispenser for single-use paper covers in Interfold folding with maximum width 260 mm. Certified according to EN 12221-1 and EN 12221-2. Including mounting material and 80 single-use paper covers.
Dimensions when closed 550 x 890 x 100 mm (W x H x D).
Dimensions when open 550 x 480 x 890 mm (W x H x D).
- Item no.: 8102030057694
- EAN code: 7612210358869
- Series: CAMB20VP
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