Sanitary facilities for Educational institutions

Whether it is sanitary facilities for elementary school, secondary schools or vocational education. CitroenAir helps you to find robust solutions that are suitable for intensive use and perfectly match the needs of the respective age groups.

From design and furnishing to supplying refills and the best service, CitroenAir is your partner in realizing high-quality, durable sanitary facilities in education.

Smart techniques and intuitive products

Smart and intuitive design provides the desired capacity and allows students to know at a glance how to use the washrooms.

Recommended brands for Educational institutions

Wagner Ewar
logo KWC water systems

Consultancy and planning assistance

We offer you an all-round service! Do you have questions about the planning and equipment of your building project? Use our personal planning service..

Advice and information

Heeft u vragen m.b.t. advies of installatie?

Advice and information

Planning and consulting

Heeft u vragen m.b.t. advies of installatie?

Planning and consulting