Experience PROOX's sanitary facilities in Virtual Reality

Brands 21 October 2022 CitroenAir Co.uk

PROOX GmbH, based in Fußach / Austria, develops and distributes unique product solutions for sanitary areas in administrative and semi-public buildings.The company’s history is marked by innovations. For example, the world’s first sealed solutions or metal dispensing systems in bronze, brass, copper or other coatings, which have already achieved remarkable recognition in the Central European architectural world.

In order to continue to play an important role in the architectural world in the future and offer architects added value in their daily work, PROOX has been working on future technologies, especially augmented reality and virtual reality, for more than a year and a half. “Within a few years, virtual reality will play an important role in the planning and visualization of buildings. Therefore, it is essential for us to familiarize ourselves with the technology now and explore the possibilities,” said company president Armin Degasperi.Together with specialists from the Ravensburg company RaumZeit GmbH + Co KG, a virtual brand experience world including a product exhibition was created. This brand experience world can only be visited with virtual reality glasses. The glasses are used by the sales team.

The virtual experience and virtual experience of products is new territory for many and makes them all the more enthusiastic. Even at trade shows, visitors are excited about this experience when they take off the glasses and return to the real world.A visit to the virtual world is fascinating and shows what is already possible today. Buildings, rooms and furnishings can be experienced realistically even before construction. PROOX is clearly the innovation leader in the industry.

Another advantage of the VR brand experience world is that virtual meetings are possible there, regardless of location. An architect from Amsterdam, the planner from Rotterdam and employees from Veenendaal can meet, review and discuss products simultaneously in this digital space without having to leave their offices.”We built this Virtual Reality Forum to bring the future of architecture to life today. We want to actively shape the digital future of architecture,” affirms Armin Degasperi.

PROOX Virtual Reality Image Video
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About Proox

PROOX GmbH is an Austrian company specializing in the production of high-quality sanitary products, including soap dispensers, hand dryers, paper... Read more »